What are some of the things that make us depressed?

World hunger? War? Child abuse? Animal abuse?

Yes these are very depressing things and and very sad too.

What are some other things that make us depressed that are more on a personal level?

Loss of loved ones? Sickness? Hospitalization? Losing a body part?

In all the cases mentioned above we all know it’s hard NOT to get depressed.

But we’ve also heard many stories about people in such situations who have turned their lives around by making a one time decision and saying no to depression.

I was watching this lady on the Dr. Oz show yesterday who had lost all of her three very young daughters and her parents in a house fire on Christmas day, only 3 years ago.

She was there to tell her story for depressed people to learn how to bounce back.

Tears still pouring down her face most of the time but she was there to teach the rest of us how to get over loss and depression!

Gratitude is the key for her.

I understand that many of us go through depressing situations such as financial difficulties, breakups, divorces, weight gain, etc.

While at the deep bottom, there are lessons waiting to be picked up and actions need to be taken but many CHOOSE to stay there longer by self-victimization and self-pity, self-judgement, and self-punishment.

So, what can be done to UNDERSTAND depression and then OVERCOME it?

There’s only one way to find out! 😀

Here we go:

Please leave your comments and answers in the comment boxes under the questions. Remember, you can help others as someone in need may be reading them and can benefit from your words. Thank you for being part of the progress.