From the time I opened my eyes to this world and took my first breath, my father has been my rock, my idol, and my symbol for success.

He is the man I look up to and want to be more like him with each day that passes by.

He’s not just an idol for me.

There is an army of followers who appreciate and love what he does for a living and his contribution has touched and changed so many lives for the better.

Besides being the BEST DAD EVER, Parviz Tanavoli, is a world renowned sculptor, painter, scholar, and art collector.

His works of art are displayed in many museums and galleries around the world as The Tate Modern, The British Museum, The Metropolitan Museum, The Davis Museum, and so many more.

If I keep writing about his credentials and works here, my article will turn into hundreds of pages long and I’ll never get to my point!

You just have to Google him yourself for further details. 😀

What I want to share with you today are the values he stands for that has made him such a successful man in every aspect of life.

Hopefully you’ll enjoy and follow them like I do.

Here they are:

Dad & I
1. Stay humble (Don’t show off!):

Humility is born when life is not just about self, but about consideration and compassion for others.

This is does not mean forgetting about you, but thinking less about just yourself.

It is also about embracing failure, learning the lesson and standing up again to deliver your purpose; again for others’ sake.

Humility comes from always being eager to learn more and be more.

The more you grow as a person the more humble you become.

All those I’ve known and met, who crossed my father’s path, without exception, have said: “WOW! What a humble man! I didn’t expect that!”

2. Work Hard:

Parviz Tanavoli has perfected the “art” of working hard!

Hard work derives from passion and not just keeping busy and filling up your time with aimless activities and chores.

Its definition is putting your heart, soul and mind to work daily while keeping your eye on the big goal.

Hard work delivers results.

Your solutions, your methods, and your approach define your path to your results.

If you want to know whether you’re on the right path or not, write a list of things you do everyday and then write a list of things you need to do to achieve your goals.

Are your lists similar? If not, it’s time to make some changes.

3. Be Optimistic:

Hope and confidence about the future is what makes a person optimistic: The glass being half full instead of half empty.

I believe my dad’s glass is overflowing! I do my best to follow those exact steps.

You are responsible for your own happiness.

The sooner you make a decision to take charge of your actions and life, the sooner you will become optimistic about your future.

4. Be Patient:

If you can endure patience through difficult situations, you are already on your way to success.

Patience comes from understanding and embracing the delay of events minus the negative reaction.

It entails giving all aspects of the situation the perspective it deserves.

My father is one of the most patient and calm people I have ever known especially when there is turmoil.

Think about it this way: do you want to be a “stressed and absent” success story or a “present and calm” one?

5. Be Persistent:

If you believe in yourself, in your purpose and in your goals, you will persist to make them happen.

Know what you want, define your motivation and your action steps, develop discipline and habit around them and then persist.

Your persistence will pay off with success.

I know my father has heard many “no”s in his time. He had many obstacles to overcome and many high walls to climb.

He is where he is supposed to be as he persistently delivers his purpose every single minute of the day.

Every person on this planet deserves and can be successful.

All you have to do is align your values and let them lead the way.

Please leave your comments and answers in the comment boxes under the questions. Remember, you can help others as someone in need may be reading them and can benefit from your words. Thank you for being part of the progress.