Yes, today is my BIG day. The day I arrived on this earth to begin my journey for fulfilling my destiny and serving my purpose.
But hey who thinks of all that when they’re born?! Really? All babies think about is eat, sleep, poop, cry, pee, and then repeat!
One thing I realized about this birthday is that I’m fully aware of my purpose, my goals, my true self, and all the good things we demand of life more than ever.
By no means I’m close to being done on my search for more but I can say I am more happy and fulfilled than I have ever been. That’s my drive as I’ve said it many times before.
The other day, I remembered that a few years back right before my birthday would arrive, I would get down about it and I couldn’t shake it off. I thought it was because I was getting older and didn’t appreciate “older”. I’m sure some of you can relate.
Don’t get me wrong, I was full on back up for the event and celebrated like a rock star but never fully realized why a few days before the down time would hit me.
I know why now.
My birthday was a milestone for me to check off the items on my “list of achievements”. The list itself was a whole other story now that I look back! LOL! I expected so much of myself in such a perfect order and a timely fashion that no human being could possibly achieve, unless you’re a robot or something weird!
Instead of taking note of and credit for all I had done, gained and learned, I was focusing on all the items I did not achieve on my gigantic list; therefore the breakdowns right before the “milestone”.
What is different these days and the ones that follow this one?
I’m sure like me, over the years, many of you have lost many loved ones to diseases as cancer, strokes, accidents, etc. at various ages and stages. I think about my departed loved ones often and while I’m still on this earth, living a healthy life amongst my dear ones, I will celebrate my existence in their honor. There’s no other way of looking at it.
That’s one reason.
Another reason is: who would say no to a yummy cake, candles, amazing friends and family gathering, dancing, celebrating, and let’s not forget the presents ?
I never understood people who do not celebrate the day they were given the gift of life, especially when they get older. As I said, there are people who do not have the option of getting older. So remember that on your next birthday. Find a reason to celebrate. I’m sure you can.
So, every year I throw myself a big party and celebrate an entire week or two!
This year my gorgeous “Sissypoo”, Tandees, will be here to celebrate it with me after 4 years of missing it! When she’s here I’m one of the happiest girls in the world. WOO HOO!
(Photo: Tandees taking care of me, as usual!)
Celebrate your healths and lives. It’s a commodity these days.
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