I was back at my second “home”, with my TR Family, and things were about to happen and most importantly… change.
Are you courageous enough to face your fears? The ones you’ve been sweeping under the rug by telling yourself stories, giving reasons and making excuses on a daily, weekly, monthly, annually basis?
At a Tony event you learn to look those fears in the eye and say: “Hey! I AM HERE, looking right back at ya buster!”.
(Photo: Team Boro Vassat @ DWD 2013)
You could see it on many faces on the first day before it all started: excited but anxious, not knowing what’s about to happen for them (and not to them).
But isn’t that the whole beauty about life? Not knowing and trying to figure it all out, conquering our fears, and turn them into adventures only to later say: “I did that”!
This was my second time around at Date with Destiny, with the one and only Anthony Robbins. I encouraged my beautiful friends and running partners from “Team Boro Vassat” to hit the road with me. They had an explosive experience. By the way I’ll be going every year till Tony’s tired of having them!
I had a very different view from the first timers though. I knew the path already but I wanted to weave in between to see what I missed last year and what more I could learn from all the “deep digging”. I couldn’t wait till it all started.
Any time I go to a Tony event I set an intention for myself. This time it was to set myself completely free of any chains holding me back from living my life fully and wholeheartedly.
Laughing moments, smiley moments, tearful moments, sobbing ones too and a whole mishmash of any emotions you can possibly dream of was running through the whole crowd, especially “confusion” and “frustration”, which as per Tony, are the preliminary emotions to having breakthroughs. Woo Hoo!
I was so ready for another big hit; a bigger breakthrough than the ones I’ve already been having on a regular basis.
And Tony delivered!
Over delivered.
I am so free of any chains holding me back from living the life I have dreamed of having.
Ladies and gentlemen, THIS is pure life.
All fears aside, opening up the energy channels full on and walking right ahead fearless, one powerful step in front of another.
The good news is I’m here for you. OH YES I AM!
I know I have an army of people behind me (yes I said “army”!) who want the BEST life for themselves and their loved ones. I’m here to pass on the message and help you find your ultimate happiness or fine-tune the one you already have.
The New Year is HERE.
Let’s welcome it with open arms.
Who’s with me?
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