Why is trust so important in our lives?
That’s simple.
We need to trust in order to connect and share.
Without connection we will feel isolated from the rest.
In a world where disconnection has become viral due to the “online culture”, sharing helps us be at our utmost vulnerable self and be accepted and loved as imperfect human beings. We need to be imperfect to live a wholehearted life.
That’s why trust is vital, especially amongst loved ones.
We need a safe place to fall back on and release our most intimate thoughts and feelings.
So when someone breaks the sanctuary of our trust, it not only allows doubt, shame, anger, resentment, etc. in but it also effects our belief to be able to trust again.
In today’s coaching video, I provide you with 4 simple tips to help you regain that trust back, help you move forward to be able to trust again and embrace happiness.
Let’s get started:
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